Linda Rogers, Associate Broker

Office Location: 1000 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe

Office Phone Number: 505.982.4466

About Linda

Selling your home can be an exciting but challenging adventure. During this process you'll need a partner who has your back in all ways that matter. No matter how ambitious or modest your goals are, Linda Rogers will give you quality service and unwavering support. Her expertise, guidance, and communication is always a priority. Linda's focus and commitment to service, meeting the challenges as they arise, making a difference in people's lives, and building relationships are the foundations from which she has built her successful real estate career. Clients benefit greatly from her real estate experience, expertise, and attention to detail. Linda has an experienced track record of success as she is a committed ally to negotiate on your behalf. Acknowledged for her business acumen, National and International Real Estate Awards recipient, Linda's marketing skills, integrity, and her charismatic style are traits which make her a natural fit for the Santa Fe real estate market. Her professional accomplishments are a testament to her ability to cultivate trust-based relationships while maintaining the standard of the consummate professional. She affords her clientele world class service and impeccable attention to their wants and needs. Her goal is always a commitment to assisting buyers and sellers fulfill their Real Estate dreams by creating the lifestyle they desire. "It is more than a ...

Contact Linda Rogers to help you with your next home.