Kristin Rowley, Associate Broker

Office Location: 1000 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe

Office Phone Number: 505.982.4466

License Number: 39550

Additional Languages Spoken: Spanish

About Kristin

I've been interested in buildings ever since childhood. At one point my brother (a future architect) and I created a small doll house company that sold through Marshall Fields, Nieman Marcus, and Dayton's, as well as other venues. Later as a fiber artist I went from weaving tapestry rugs to weaving buildings with stairs around them. Now I enjoy dealing with the real thing. I have lived in Minnesota, Colorado, Texas, Iowa, Ohio, upstate New York and South America and have lived in and loved New Mexico for many years. My background is in education and the visual arts and I hold an education degree from the University of Iowa and a Masters in Fine Arts from Rochester Institute of Technology. I'm the former head of the Fiber Arts department at Syracuse University in New York and later taught textile design at La Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. While in Colombia I also ran a successful rug weaving studio with several weavers. Because of this experience I am bilingual and at ease communicating in Spanish. My background also includes raising three children; a daughter and twin sons, which honed my skills as a mediator and negotiator and taught me great patience. My years teaching and operating a weaving studio developed sound research and communication abilities, which make it easier for me to stay up with the latest developments and to communicate efficiently with my clients. ...

Contact Kristin Rowley to help you with your next home.