Found 2 blog entries tagged as calendar.

Days are becoming longer, the air is starting to warm up and we can finally feel the first signs of spring. March can feel like a sleepy time of year, where the summer is so close yet so far away. Take advantage of this slow time, and step out to see what Santa Fe has to offer! Whether you are craving farm-fresh veggies or want to grab a drink with your pals, this list of events has something for you! 

Daylight Saving
Sunday, March 8th
We are going to see more sunshine! On Sunday, March 8th, we will turn our clocks forward, and one step closer to summer. 

Margarita Crawl 
Saturday, March 7th
2pm - 8pm
Location: all over Santa Fe 
Create memories that will last a lifetime! Drink your way through Santa Fe with your friends. This event is rain or shine!…

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820 Camino Atalya

Spring has officially arrived in Santa Fe and we're excited to get out and enjoy all that April has to offer. There are shows to see, classes to take and the beauty of Santa Fe to enjoy! Here is a list of a few of our event picks for April, what exciting things are on your calendar this month?

Apr 2, 2019, 7pm | Warehouse 21
1614 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501
A trio of improv teams present a completely unscripted and unrehearsed show using words given to them by the audience. We’d tell you more, but we don’t know what they’ll do yet! Event is 18 and over, tickets are $15.

Payne's Free Spring Workshops
Saturday's at 11 am | Payne's Nursery
Ready to get to planting but not sure where to start? Join Payne's Nursery every Saturday…

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